
The ultimate way to watch foreign streamers.

LiveTL Chat demo in dedicated window.

An Unmatched Livestream Viewing Experience

Filter translations by your native language. Select your favorite translators. Block spammers. VOD support. Custom filters.


Make LiveTL look and behave exactly the way you want.

Filter by language, user types. Block and whitelist chatters. Optional spam protection.
Read Aloud
Reads the translation messages out loud. Perfect for multitasking or accessibility.
Change chat direction, position. Create your own presets.
Shortcuts & Keybindings
Use default shortcuts or create your own.
Chat Improvements
LiveTL comes bundled with HyperChat, improving your YouTube chat experience.
Export/Import settings
Export and import your settings as JSON.

What do people say?

shilling this more publicly because language barrier shouldn't keep you from watching some of the greatest streamers of all time:


If you were like me and not aware, there's a browser extension available for many browsers called LiveTL LiveTL pulls translations from vtubers' chat and displays them as captions, or even reads them out loud. It has support for a ton of languages and autotranslation too


Support the devs!

All of our software is open source and free.

Donations are welcome through Open Collective or Github Sponsors.
